Volunteering to help can make a difference.

Committees dream it, build it, grow it..

  • Dream it.

    Firefighter Remembrance Committee

    The Firefighter Remembrance Committee conducts firefighter interviews, assist with the annual firefighter memorial remembrance ceremony, and conducts station dedications, This committee is headed by Chairman Larry Cockman.

  • Build it.

    Maybe you want to launch a new committee that will turn an idea into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with that celebrates the history of the Greensboro firefighter. Whatever it is, you can help to make a difference.

  • Grow it.

    The history of the Greensboro firefighter is growing every day, because we are making history every day.

    “Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that’s the stuff life is made of.” and “lost time is never found again.” Benjamin Franklin, Firefighter